Due to the social commitment acquired by Agromartín with its workers, social actions of different nature have been developing for years. That is why she has joined in IntegrArte, a program that encompasses cultural and training activities and coexistence for temporary workers of Moroccan origin, which encompasses a series of cooperation actions that arise from a strategic plan developed by the Foundation Three Cultures and the Ministry Responsible for Moroccan Communities Resident Abroad and Migration Issues.

Among the actions that have been developed with this motive, a basic training course in Spanish has been offered, awareness-raising talks on various useful topics, such as the responsible use of PIN numbers to operate at ATMs and other day-to-day transactions.

In addition, a calendar of cultural and recreational activities has been programmed with theatrical performances in the Arabic language, concerts of popular music-shaabi held in the jaima of our farm and celebration of Ramadan, at the headquarters of the Three Cultures Foundation.

On the day of June 12 the program was completed, with the delivery of the diplomas in our facilities to the Moroccan workers who have attended the Spanish classes organized within the IntegrArte program, aimed at the displaced workers in the province of Huelva. work on the campaign of the red fruits of the current agricultural campaign.

In the act intervened, the general consul of the Kingdom of Morocco in Seville, Farid Aoulouhaj; the head of Strategic Planning of the Tres Culturas Foundation, Antonio Chaves; and Isabel Martín, on behalf of the company.

What is pursued with these practices is that Moroccan workers feel accompanied, safe, develop their agricultural work in decent conditions and take advantage of their free time with educational and cultural activities, promoting integration and good coexistence between different nationalities

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