Frutaful, a new product of fresh fruit

Plus Berries keeps its philosophy of relationship with the producer, so being moved by their concern about innovation in berries , Plusberries from its R & D has developed a product of V range. It is a good snack made of blackberry, raspberry and fresh blueberry crushed and packaged in a convenient and practical format to take anywhere, anytime. It is 100 % fresh fruit harvested at its peak of ripeness, packaged following a pascalization process that allows keeping all its nutritional value and vitamins.
This is a new product both in appearance and content, so people can consume fresh fruit crushed anytime they want to. This product is sold under the trademark “Frutaful”. As the process of developing these berries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries, they are subjected to a pascalization process or high hydrostatic pressure which keeps its essential nutrients, such as vitamins and compounds responsible for flavor and fragrance so characteristic of these fruits.
This respect to fruit and its core values ​​adds up to a comfortable and modern packaging, designed to take fruit wherever they want: as a snack at work, for children on the playground, at school, sports, etc

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